Hunter Stables

Albrecht Heidemann

Albrecht Heidemann, a member of the Gold medal winning German Young Rider Team for several years and also a student of dressage master, Conrad Schumacher.
Albrecht Heidemann
Below you can watch a video of coloured showjumping stallion High Offley Fernando

High Offley Fernando - Colored Stallion

Posted by Stable Express

Albrecht Heidemann Horses


Albrecht Heidemann Competition Results

07 - Darien, CT (USA), GP - 19/08/2005 - LINCOLN
05 - Darien, CT (USA), GPSpecial - 19/08/2005 - LINCOLN
02 - Blainville, GPSpecial - 29/06/2005 - LINCOLN
04 - Blainville, GP - 29/06/2005 - LINCOLN

Albrecht Heidemann